Attila Határ

Salgótarján, Hungary (b. 1994) based in Salgótarján

Attila Határ painter starts his work as an artist instructor at the same university where he graduated, Eszterházy Károly Catholic University in 2021, majoring in Art and Visual Culture, Media, Cinematography and Communication. Old family photographs play a major role in his work, both their physical and mental impact, which is related to painting. He mixes figurative art with abstraction in a way that defines a new kind of contemporary Hungarian style. His most recent works are linked to mythology and its personalized representation.


Artist Instructor at Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger


2018-2020 Eszterházy Károly University, Teacher, Media and Communication, Drawing and Visual Culture 

2015-2018 Eszterházy Károly University, Painting Department, Visual Representation Artist  (Master: Erzsébet F. Balogh)

2010-2015 Eventus Art College - Applied Graphics

Solo Exhibitions

Behaviour Therapy, LAVOR Collective, Budapest

Archiv.doc, Dániel Tomecz, Szihalom
"Being There”, MTA Szeged Academic Committee Headquarters, Szeged
Isolated moments, Agria Park Gallery, Eger

One Step Left One Step Right, LAVOR Collective Art Salon, Budapest

Dirty Vacation, EKMK Vitkovics Creative House and Artists' Colony, Eger
RESIDENTS, Gyula Váczi Primary Art School, Salgótarján

Contemporary Birds, Student Gallery, Eger

"Stations", Aba Sámuel Primary School, Kazár 

"MISSHAPEN ", Student Gallery, Eger

“Just That”, JAMKK, Baglyasalja

Group Exhibitions

Godot Art Fair, Budapest
Viszont Látás - Contemporary self/portraits, Szentendre
FAKÖR II, Szabadkéz Gallery, Szihalom
Local scene, Kepes Institute, Eger
Goodbye, Contemporary Self/Pictures, Újműhely Gallery, Szentendre

Crossroads I., Vitkovics Creative House, Eger
FAKÖR, Kepes Contemporary Art Centre, Eger (Night of Museums)
36. Salgótarján Spring Fair
IV. National Watercolour Triennial, Eger

Godot Art Fair 2020, Budapest
Conquered borders, Szolnok
HATSZOBA,  Introductory exhibition, Budapest Art Week, MAMÜ, Budapest
III. Small Graphic Art Exhibition of Hatvan, Hatvan
VII. International Biennale of Water and Life, Baja

4+1 Art of the month, Miklós Rédei Community House, Ostoros
XXIX. PLEIN AIR International Artcamp, X. Final exhibition of the Meeting of Masters and Disciples, Orosháza
HATSZOBA Group, Introduction Exhibition, Arkt art supply, Eger
XXIX. PLEIN AIR International Art Camp, X. Final exhibition of the Meeting of Masters and Disciples, Szeged
XXIX. Plein Air Art Camp, Csongrád
35. Spring Fair, Béla Dornyay Museum, Salgótarján
A XIX. Dunaszerdahely International Artists' Colony exhibition, Bartók 1 Gallery, Budapest

CONTRACTOR , Arkt Art Supply, Eger
V. Art Camp exhibition of Jászfényszaru, Jászfényszaru
Young Generation Art Fair, Budapest

XXI. Faces and Fates National Portrait Biennale, Gallery Of Hatvan
IV. Art Camp exhibition of Jászfényszaru, Jászfényszaru
I. Art Camp exhibition of Csécse, Csécse
"SELECTED" group exhibition, Arkt Art Supply, Eger
"DEMENCIA" solo exhibition, Green Seal Café and Wine Bar, Eger
34. Spring Fair, Béla Dornyay Museum, Salgótarján

Art Camp
VIII. Hajdúnánás Youth Art Camp
South Balaton Contemporary Art Workshop, Szólád, 2019
XXIX. Plein Air Art Camp, Csongrád, 2019
XIX.International Art Camp, Dunaszerdahely, 2018
V. Jászfényszaru Art Camp, 2018
IV. Jászfényszaru Art Camp, 2017

36. Salgótarján Spring Fair, Salgótarján Municipality Award, 2021
OMDK, section 2nd Prize, special prize for painting,Kaposvár, 2021
OMDK, section 3rd Prize, special prize for painting,Kaposvár, 2019

New National Excellence Scholarship 2019 - 2020

HATSZOBA Group - Eger